Period Invested for | Absolute Returns | Annualized Returns | Category Avg |
1 Day | +0.86% | -- | +0.64% |
1 Week | -0.32% | -- | -0.42% |
1 Month | -2.16% | -- | -2.31% |
3 Month | +3.04% | -- | +0.32% |
6 Month | +4.91% | -- | +1.38% |
9 Month | +26.09% | -- | +19.21% |
1 Year | +36.20% | +36.20% | +27.58% |
2 Year | +93.51% | +38.98% | +34.09% |
3 Year | +94.13% | +24.72% | +21.56% |
4 Year | +176.44% | +28.92% | +26.03% |
5 Year | +274.28% | +30.17% | +26.69% |
Name | Instrument | Assets |
Persistent Systems Ltd. | Equity | 4.07% |
Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. | Equity | 4.02% |
Lupin Ltd. | Equity | 2.75% |
PB Fintech Ltd. | Equity | 2.74% |
Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. | Cash | 2.61% |
The Federal Bank Ltd. | Equity | 2.54% |
Coforge Ltd. | Equity | 2.51% |
Solar Industries India Ltd. | Equity | 2.42% |
The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. | Equity | 2.40% |
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. | Equity | 2.25% |