Period Invested for | Absolute Returns | Annualized Returns | Category Avg |
1 Day | +0.42% | -- | +210.78% |
1 Week | -0.09% | -- | +6.05% |
1 Month | -0.42% | -- | -22.34% |
3 Month | +1.84% | -- | -1.69% |
6 Month | +7.09% | -- | +3.22% |
9 Month | +13.40% | -- | +17.19% |
1 Year | +17.14% | +17.00% | +16.59% |
2 Year | +37.42% | +17.17% | +19.96% |
3 Year | +39.58% | +11.75% | +12.29% |
4 Year | +65.01% | +13.33% | +15.98% |
5 Year | +89.37% | +13.61% | +15.13% |
Name | Instrument | Assets |
7.38% State Government of Uttar Pradesh 2036 | Sovereign | 12.38% |
7.18% CGL 2033 | Sovereign | 8.31% |
7.10% CGL 2034 | Sovereign | 8.29% |
TREPS | Cash | 7.94% |
7.34% CGL 2064 | Sovereign | 4.22% |
7.30% CGL 2053 | Sovereign | 4.20% |
7.49% State Government of Rajasthan 2040 | Sovereign | 4.19% |
Sundaram Finance Ltd. | CRISIL AAA | 4.17% |
Nexus Select Trust | CRISIL AAA | 4.07% |
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. | CRISIL AAA | 4.05% |