Period Invested for | Absolute Returns | Annualized Returns | Category Avg |
1 Day | -1.47% | -- | -- |
1 Week | -4.68% | -- | -- |
1 Month | -3.70% | -- | -- |
3 Month | -6.96% | -- | -- |
6 Month | -- | -- | -- |
9 Month | -- | -- | -- |
1 Year | -- | -- | -- |
2 Year | -- | -- | -- |
3 Year | -- | -- | -- |
4 Year | -- | -- | -- |
5 Year | -- | -- | -- |
Name | Instrument | Assets |
7.18% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 52.14% |
7.18% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 41.54% |
7.26% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 2.85% |
Net Current Assets | Cash | 2.72% |
Triparty Repo TRP_010125 | Cash | 0.27% |
7.17% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 0.19% |
6.54% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 0.13% |
8.24% Government of India | SOVEREIGN | 0.12% |
Cash Margin - CCIL | Cash | 0.00% |