Period Invested for | Absolute Returns | Annualized Returns | Category Avg |
1 Day | -0.10% | -- | -30.15% |
1 Week | -0.29% | -- | -4.91% |
1 Month | -0.42% | -- | +0.53% |
3 Month | +0.18% | -- | +3.41% |
6 Month | +3.26% | -- | +7.24% |
9 Month | +6.88% | -- | +8.83% |
1 Year | +9.33% | +9.30% | +8.52% |
2 Year | +18.09% | +8.66% | +7.73% |
3 Year | +20.42% | +6.39% | +6.47% |
4 Year | +23.58% | +5.42% | +5.78% |
5 Year | +38.57% | +6.73% | +6.56% |
Name | Instrument | Assets |
7.34% GOI 2064 | Sov | 37.54% |
7.30% GOI 2053 | Sov | 16.16% |
HDFC Bank Limited** | CRISIL A1+ | 9.11% |
7.12% Maharashtra SDL 2043 | Sov | 5.90% |
7.09% GOI 2054 | Sov | 4.65% |
TREPS / Reverse Repo Investments | Cash | 4.24% |
7.14% Madhya Pradesh SDL 2043 | Sov | 3.22% |
State Bank of India** | ICRA AAA | 2.78% |
Bank of India** | IND AA+ | 2.75% |
Power Finance Corporation Limited** | CRISIL AAA | 2.75% |